The purpose of this page is to inform parents about the implementation of the curriculum that is on offer at Corpus Christi Primary School.  As a Catholic school, the teachings and values of the Gospel permeate all that we do. This intent is encapsulated in our Mission Statement and Aims and Intent in the Catholic Life section. At Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School, pupils in our Reception classes follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. Our pupils in Years 1-6  follow the statutory guidelines in the Primary National Curriculum. The National Curriculum document may be viewed in its entirety by clicking this link:

Our Curriculum Offer


Our school’s name Corpus Christi means ‘The Body of Christ’. St Paul in his first letter to the Corinthians said, “Together you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of that body.”

(1 Corinthians 12:27)

This sums up our school family of pupils, staff, parents and carers, governors, our parish and community- locally, nationally and globally- “One Body, Many Parts”. Together we share and celebrate our faith and learning while respecting and accepting those from other faiths, traditions and cultures.

Our school is more than a building; it is a welcoming and vibrant place underpinned by the Catholic faith. As a Christian community, we support our pupils to grow in faith, learn and achieve. We firmly believe that every child is unique, a gift from God, and that every child has the right to experience success. Working in partnership with home, school and parish, we nurture each pupil to reach their full potential by providing our pupils with as many opportunities as possible to embrace their personal strengths while challenging themselves to be the best they can be so that they are prepared for the next stage of their education and beyond.

Intent- ‘Excellence and enjoyment with Christ at our centre’


The belief that ‘all children can and will achieve’ permeates the school.’ Ofsted December 2018

We believe that all pupils can achieve success both academically and personally. All adults share the same vision to develop and nurture our pupils’ knowledge, skills, talents and interests. As a result, our curriculum is designed to provide an enriching, high quality education where pupils learn, love and grow with Christ at the centre so that each pupil is nurtured to achieve their full potential.  Our pupils receive a high-quality curriculum across all subjects of the national curriculum. Lessons are sequenced so that new knowledge makes sense to pupils and ideas are linked together. As a school, we invest in activities and experiences that support pupils academically, culturally and pastorally.



We have planned a progressive, coherently sequenced and enriching curriculum. Our planned curriculum sequences knowledge acquisition deliberately and meticulously from Reception to Year 6 outlining what pupils should learn and remember in a sequential order. We plan visits and visitors to further enhance and bring learning to life for pupils. These include many visits to museums, theatres as well as fieldtrips. Teachers link what pupils have learnt and experienced on these experiences to what they are learning in the classroom. 

‘…leaders ensure that pupils access a motivating and meaningful curriculum. The curriculum is well planned and bespoke to the school. It is well-designed to motivate pupils and develop their knowledge systematically in all curriculum areas. An example of this was in art, where a well-thought-out plan was in place to ensure that pupils built up their skills based on their prior learning.’  

 ‘Leaders at all levels have thought carefully about how to make learning meaningful for pupils.’ Ofsted December 2018

The personal development of pupils is an important aspect of our school ethos. Leaders and staff make sure that pupils’ personal development is a top priority and are committed to developing the ‘whole child’.  Therefore, our curriculum is also designed to provide various opportunities for pupils’ wider development.    Pupils take part in a diverse range of activities outside of the classroom to equip them with skills for life such as half-termly cookery lessons and first aid sessions. All these experiences enrich pupils’ learning and build cultural capital.